Rule 40 PSA
Rule 40 is a stipulation put in place by the International Olympic Committee. It states an athlete's non-approved sponsors cannot communicate on social media to or about their athlete from July 27-August 24, and in return, the athlete cannot do the same. This rule has many different punishments, one of which includes the removal of an athlete's medals. FloSports encourages you, the fans, to congratulate Team USA by tagging the athletes and those who have supported them on their Olympic journey.
Athlete | Sponsor | Twitter Handle |
Tori Bowie | adidas | @bowie_tori |
Sydney McLaughlin | Unattached | |
Ricky Robertson | Unattached | @Jump_Aholic |
Logan Cunningham | Unattached | |
Trayvon Bromell | New Balance | @trayvonbromell |
Marvin Bracy | adidas | @_braceyaself |
Deajah Stevens | Oregon | @ButDeajahSaid |
Jenna Prandini | Puma | @J_Prandini |
David Verburg | adidas | @adiverb |
Natasha Hastings | Under Armour/NYAC | @natashahastings |
Boris Berian | New Balance | @borisgump800 |
Kate Grace | oiselle | @fastk8 |
Ajee Wilson | adidas | @ajeew |
Robby Andrews | adidas | @Ra_Andrews |
Jenny Simpson | New Balance | @trackjenny |
Brenda Martinez | New Balance | @BMartRun |
Paul Chelimo | (US ARMY) | @PaulChelimo |
Kim Conley | New Balance | @kimconley |
Abbey D'Agostino | New Balance | @abbey_dags |
Shadrack Kipchirchir | (US ARMY) | @shadrackkipch16 |
Leonard Korir | (US ARMY) | |
Molly Huddle | Saucony | @mollyhuddle |
Devon Allen | Oregon | @Devonallen13 |
Ronnie Ash | adidas | |
Kristi Castlin | Unatt. | @Kristihollywood |
Byron Robinson | Texas | |
Michael Tinsley | adidas | @Mr400hurdles |
Hillary Bor | (US ARMY) | |
Emma Coburn | New Balance | @emmajcoburn |
Erik Kynard | Brand Jordan | @erik_kynard |
Bradley Adkins | Texas Tech | @bradley_adkins |
Inika McPherson | Unatt. | @highjumpqueen |
Cale Simmons | (US AIR FORCE) | |
Jenn Suhr | adidas | @jennsuhr |
Alexis Weeks | Arkansas | @lexiweeks |
Jeffery Henderson | adidas | @jeffery_henders |
Jarrion Lawson | asics | @J_Lawson_ |
Mike Hartfield | adidas | @FlightHartfield |
Chris Benard | Chula Vista Elite | @FlyyLikeChrisB |
Keturah Orji | Georgia | @Keturahorji |
Christina Epps | Adidas GSTC | @ms_hop_st3pps |
Andrea Geubelle | Unnat. | @Ageubelleos |
Darrell Hill | Unatt. | @B1Ghomie |
Raven Saunders | Ole Miss | @Giveme1shot |
Tavis Bailey | Unatt. | @volthrower215 |
Shelbi Vaughan | Texas A&M | @Throw_princess |
Kelsey Card | Wisconsin | @kelseycard27 |
Conor McCullough | Unatt. | @comccullough |
Deanna Price | S Illinois | @deannaprice32 |
Cyrus Hostetler | Unatt. | @chostetler15 |
Sam Crouser | Unatt. | @samcrouser |
Sean Furey | Asics | |
Kara Winger | Asics | @karathrowsjav |
John Nunn | US Army | @johnnywalker04 |
Maria Michta-Coffey | oiselle/Walkusa | @mariamichta |
Miranda Melville | Skechers/NYAC | @mirandaracewalk |
Jeremy Taiwo | Brooks Beasts | @jeremyataiwo |
Zach Ziemek | Wisconsin | @theonlydoublez |
Barbara Nwaba | Abeo/SBTC | @trackbarbie7 |
Heather Miller-Koch | Cent. Park TC | @hmillerkoch |
Kendell Williams | Georgia | @kendell61495 |
Meb Keflezighi | Skechers | @runmeb |
Jared Ward | Saucony | @jwardy21 |
Des Linden | Brooks, Hansons | @des_linden |
Justin Gatlin | Nike | @justingatlin |
Tianna Bartoletta | Nike | @tibartoletta |
English Gardner | Nike | @UgHLyDuCkLiN |
Lashawn Merritt | Nike | @lashawnmerritt |
Gil Roberts | Nike | |
Allyson Felix | Nike | @allysonfelix |
Phyllis Francis | Nike | @philly_phyl88 |
Clayton Murphy | Nike | @Clayton_Murph |
Charles Jock | Nike | @CharlesJock |
Chrishuna Williams | Nike | |
Matt Centrowitz | Nike | @MattCentrowitz |
Ben Blankenship | Nike | @benfblankenship |
Shannon Rowbury | Nike | @ShannonRowbury |
Bernard Lagat | Nike | @Lagat1500 |
Hassan Mead | Nike | @HassyHass35 |
Emily Infeld | Nike | @emily_infeld |
Galen Rupp | Nike | @G_Rupp |
Shelby Houlihan | Nike | @shelbo800 |
Marielle Hall | Nike | |
Jeff Porter | Nike | @jeffporter1 |
Bri Rollins | Nike | @Bri_Rollin |
Nia Ali | Nike | @ItsPooda |
Kerron Clement | Nike | |
Courtney Frerichs | Nike | @courtfrerichs8 |
Colleen Quigley | Nike | @steeple_squigs |
Evan Jager | Nike | @EvanJager |
Donn Cabral | Nike | @DonnCabral |
Vashti Cunningham | Nike | @vashtizzle_ |
Chaunte Lowe | Nike | @chauntelowe |
Sam Kendricks | Nike | @samkendricks |
Will Claye | Nike | @WilliamClaye |
Christian Taylor | Nike | @Taylored2jump |
Brittney Reese | Nike | @DaLJBeast |
Janay DeLoach | Nike | @JanayDeLoach |
Ryan Crouser | Nike | @RCrouserThrows |
Joe Kovacs | Nike | @JoeKovacsUSA |
Michelle Carter | Nike | @ShotDiva |
Felisha Johnson | Nike | @Fefe_J247 |
Amber Campbell | Nike | @USAHammerHottie |
Gwen Berry | Nike | @BeRRy_EDible |
Maggie Malone | Nike | @MaggieMalone93 |
Brittany Borman | Nike | @BrittBorman |
Ashton Eaton | Nike | @AshtonJEaton |
Galen Rupp | Nike | @g_rupp |
Shalane Flanagan | Nike | @ShalaneFlanagan |
Amy Cragg | Nike | @HastyHastings |
Dalilah Muhammad | Nike | |
Ashley Spencer | Nike | @theTrackQueen |